Patch 1.9.20E

I.Hero Adjustments



Slightly increased his skill cooldowns while reducing his execution abilities.

Passive – Transient Immortal

Cooldown of All Skills: 7.5s >> 8.5s

Skill 2 – Soul Sever

Damage Based on Percentage of Target’s Lost HP: 20% >> 15%
Max Damage to Non-Hero Units: 1000 >> 500



Claude’s damage output is too dependent on equipment. We aim to slightly increase his early and mid game damage output.

Skill 1 – Art of Thievery

Base Damage: 160-285 >> 250-350

Ultimate – Blazing Duet

Base Damage: 130-180 >> 140-190



With the optimization of Move and Attack experience and changes to certain equipment, Miya has gradually become dominant across all ranks. We aim to slightly reduce her mid and late game damage output.


Physical Attack Growth: 10 >> 8



II. Bug Fixes

1. Fixed an issue where Claude and Grock were unable to recover HP when equipped with Impure Rage.


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